The Power of Armor

If you think about it, why would any warrior go into the field of battle without their armor on. Policeman, firemen, and soldiers generally have some sort armor on to protect them in the field. So why is it that as warriors in God’s army, we consistently head into the battlefield without our armor on? I can think of a couple of reasons.

First ourĀ “struggle is not against flesh and blood.” (Ephesians 6:12 NIV) Our enemy is invisible. So it is hard for us as men to remember to put our armor on when we can’t physically see him.

Second we have not been properly trained to use it. How many of you have ever had training in putting on God’s armor. I have heard it mentioned twice in my life. Soldiers in the fields are required to wear their armor everyday, because they never know what to expect. We as warriors for our King need to do the same.

Third men can be stubborn and think they don’t need armor. I think this because they do not understand how valuable it is. The enemy knows. That is why he helps encourage men to leave the armor at home. Then at the right moment he goes in for the kill.

Men we as warriors need to put on God’s armor every morning. So that we can be able to withstand the enemies attacks. God gave us the tools, lets make use of them.

Until next time,

-The Kings Warrior

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