The Power of Words

Have you ever heard the phrase: “your words have power.” I was thinking about this today as I was reading Matthew 4. Matthew describes Jesus walking along the beach he takes a moment looks at Simon and Andrew and says “Come follow me, an I will send you out to fish for people.” They drop what they are doing and join him. A little farther along he sees James and John and calls them. They do the same thing. Imagine the power that must have been in that simple phrase: “Come, follow me.” It came from a man who walked with boldness and confidence. A man who knew the heart of his father.

As men of the King we too can walk in that boldness and confidence. There should be no reason why we cannot ask our friends, family strangers to come and join us in following the King of Kings. If we truly are Sons of the Most High and joint heirs with Jesus Christ, we should be able to say: Come, follow Him. Let’s live bold

-The Kings Warrior

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