Hitting The Reset Button!

Hitting the Reset Button

I may not be as old as some, but I am old enough to remember the days where occasionally I would have to hit the reset button on my gaming console because it would glitch and I would not be able to continue. Or to be honest I would sometimes hit the reset button because I would get stuck and feel frustrated, like I needed to start over.

Today I was reminded that sometimes I need to hit a spiritual reset button and start over.

I woke up today in a spiritual funk. I did not want to get out of bed. But I had responsibilities and forced myself to get up. But the funk followed me like a rain cloud and I was grumpy. I even snapped at my kids which is not usual for me.

It was like playing a video game where you keep dying at the same spot over and over and just keep getting more frustrated.

Awhile later I was in my car just having finished up dropping my daughter of at her place of work. As I was pulling away the Holy Spirit gentle, but firmly suggested that I needed to hit the reset button. I needed to mentally start my day over.

So I did.

I took several deep breaths and started praying. I also put on one of my new favorite worship songs that talks about breathing the Holy Spirit in and letting Him reset your mind and your spirit.

It worked!

I physically and mentally began to relax and let myself be reset. My mood brightened and I felt like I could handle the tasks I needed to accomplish for the day.

Life is hard. And I know that I am not the only one who can sometimes find myself in this situation.

I am writing this to encourage those of you who just might need to take a step back and hit the reset button. Let the Holy Spirit do his work. In Romans 12:2 Paul reminds us to “not conform to the pattern(funk) of this world, but be transformed by the renewing(resetting) of your mind.”

So when you are in a spiritual funk remember to stop, drop and pray. Let God help you reset.

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