The Power of Weakness

Now when I first thought of this I thought to myself, “aren’t power and weakness a contradiction.” As I began to chew on this thought a little longer I realized, as men of the King we must become weak to become strong.

When we first enter into service of the King, we have to submit and bow to his authority. We become weak for a time as we learn how to become his servants. Jesus did the same thing as he became a man of flesh and bone. He submitted to His father, and chose to enter this world as a fragile human baby.

However that is not where he stayed. He walked in the power and authority. And as men of the King, following in his footsteps, we do not stay in a position of weakness either. We gain that power: God’s power.

Jesus said, ” Very truly I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the father.” (John 14:2 NIV)

Men we need to wake up and realize as men of the King we walk in this power everyday. We have power to change our families, to support our church, and strengthen our communities. Power to do even greater and crazier things than the ultimate warrior did.

Let your weakness be His strength.

The Kings Warrior

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