The Power of Friendship

As I was watching one of my favorite movies today, it came to a scene where a signal fire is lit. One by one the fires keep lighting until it reaches the destination. Then the men on the other end realize they must answer the call. They muster their men and ride to aid their friends.

Jesus said, “Greater love has no than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13)

We were not created to do this life alone. God realized that from the very beginning. Jesus sent his disciples out in groups of two for this very reason. He knew they needed a wingman.

Men this modern day world has taught us just the opposite. That we can do life by ourselves. That we do not need someone else’s help. Not only do we hear this but we are made to feel less of a man if we have to ask for it. This was never our Kings intentions.

Men as warriors need to band together, to support one another when we get attacked by the enemy. To ride to each others aid on a daily basis. If we do this the enemy will have an extremely tough time taking us out. There really is such thing as strength in numbers. Our King said, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20 NIV)

If we band together we can have access to God’s unlimited power and be able to do everything the King asks us to do.

Lets muster the Men of God and take back our homes, our churches and our community. Alone we cannot accomplish much, but together we can change our world.

Will you join me in the fight?

The Kings Warrior

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