Hope Dealer!

Hope Dealer!

I was watching a short devotional video the other day and when the guy introduced himself he said something that really caught my attention. He said he likes to think of himself as a hope dealer.

Yes I said a hope dealer not a dope dealer, just to clarify.

My mind has been marinating on this phrase ever since. What a unique way to describe yourself. With all the dark and dangerous things that are happening in the world right now hope is something we all desperately need.

We, as followers of Jesus, have been called to be hope dealers. We have been commissioned to spread the good news of his hope. His love, his mercy, his grace his entire life was designed to reignite the flame of hope into the lives of humanity.

It’s in the top three character aspects we need to survive:

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.(1 Corinthians 13:13)

Having faith creates hope and having hope creates love. Love is what is needed to have compassion for others to help them find faith. And thus the cycle continues.

People are quick to try and medicate their hurt and their pain with anything that might give them temporary relief. But too soon realize nothing of this world can relive their pain. It just leaves them empty.

This is where we as believers come in. You and I have an opportunity to show our neighbor there is something which can bring them the relief they are looking for. We get the chance to show them hope.

Now I know what some of you might be thinking. “It’s an easy thing to say, but what does being a hope dealer look like?” or maybe your thinking, “How can I be a a dealer of hope when I am barely hanging on to hope myself?” Both are honest questions.

But I think actions can often speak louder than words. Hanging on to hope in a crisis is just what someone else might need to see in order to make it through their own situation. As my beautiful wife like to say, “be the thing you want to see.” In other words don’t just talk about hope, be the hope.

All we need to do to be hope dealers is be willing to take the time to participate in the lives of others.


Whether that’s giving a hug or taking the time to talk on the phone. Filling up the gas can for the guy on the road, or paying for groceries when the person doesn’t have enough cash.

These simple things can help renew faith, renew hope and ultimately show love.

And that’s what being a hope dealer is all about.


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